
For All Company Sizes

Businesses of all sizes can take advantage of the flexibility and scalability offered by the modules of ThreeSixOmni

Small Business

Small businesses can benefit from ThreeSixOmni’s adaptable modules to craft effective marketing strategies and harness the power of data. The AI-driven assistants embedded within these modules automate routine tasks, offering startups the opportunity to focus on innovation and business expansion.

Additionally, with ThreeSixOmni’s scalable infrastructure, startups can expand their CRM capabilities as they grow, without the need for significant capital investment.

  • Support the early stages of business development
  • Empower decision-making with with insight, agility, and confidence
  • Focus on innovation and business expansion
Small Business

Medium Business

ThreeSixOmni provides a perfect starting point for medium-sized businesses, delivering comprehensive solutions that are scalable, affordable, and easy-to-use. Understanding the unique challenges that SMEs face, ThreeSixOmni has tailored its modules to aid in customer management, sales tracking, and marketing efforts, offering a holistic approach to business growth.

  • Scalable solution infrastructure
  • Enable strategic decision-making
  • Facilitate strategic growth initiatives
Medium Business

Large Business

Large businesses can fully exploit the expansive capabilities of ThreeSixOmni. They can incorporate advanced modules like workflow management or advanced analytics, and customise the customer service interface extensively to cater to the unique needs of various departments. ThreeSixOmni’s solutions offer large enterprises a comprehensive tool for customer relationship management, business growth, and efficient operations.

  • Manage vast customer base and workforce
  • Cater complex and multi-layered requirements
  • Streamline organizational workflow
Large Business


Integrate different modules based on specific requirements of a department or workflow


Scale up or down based on the need, without the hassle of revamping the entire system.


Embrace the power of modularity and transform your business